I see and hear so many these days that have little respect for each other let alone respect for Jesus Christ. What happened to mama's who love their children with every fiber of their being? Little girls could not wait to grow up, marry their Mr. Right and become mamas themselves. Now we have teenage mother's throwing their babies away in bathroom trash cans and leaving them in the commode head down in the water, all so that they can go back to a dance floor. Or they will go have an abortion so that they can go on their planned vacation without any disruptions like morning sickness, let alone possibly gaining a pound or two and not being able to wear a particular outfit.
We need old fashioned women willing to love their husband and who love their children. We don't need anymore "I love myself too much...I'm not willing to stay at home, listen to a husband, raise children, tend to a house and I'm especially not willing to do anything remotely close to looking like, I'm being submissive!" Elizabeth Rice Hanford wrote a book entitled, "Me? Obey Him?". Yes. Dear woman. You (and I) obey him, our own husband. After all a vow was taken till death do you part.
I grew up in a home that did not have Christ in it and as a result my siblings and I each took a path of discovery looking for love. We each found ourselves wallowing in sin. My father grew up in an Assembly of God Church and as soon as he could get out from under his parents he was out of there and had nothing else to do with church unto his death. He did profess he was saved from Hell. My mother went to a Christian Church Academy through sixth grade and claims Baptist but she too wants nothing to do with church. She has also professed that she is saved from Hell. Both have lived lives that say the contrary.
As a result of neither parent making Jesus welcome in the home, their children went the way of the world into a life full of sin. There were three children in the home. One lived a life of promiscuity and drunkenness. One lived a life in drugs, promiscuity and drunkenness. And one lives a life of drunkenness and is on a third marriage. I Praise the Lord that he saw fit to save me at the age of nineteen. As a result of my salvation both siblings came to know Christ as their Saviour. One sibling has gone home to be with the Lord after battling cancer for three and a half years and was thankful that so many years ago she accepted Christ.
With the upbringing that I had and the life that I lived before my salvation of accepting Christ's payment for my sins on the cross and my only hope of Heaven, I resolved in my heart that if He allowed me to have children that I would do everything that I could to help them love Jesus. That I would show them how good He is, how loving He is, how forgiving He is, how comforting He is, how wise He is, and so on and so forth. My sons are seven and five and to date they both love the Lord and have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. In fact, my seven year old, who was six at that time, was preaching at a morning service last May. When he gave his invitation my five year old, then four, walked forward and prayed to have his sins forgiven. We pray together. We Praise God together. We share blessing together. We look for ways to show Jesus together. We pass out tracts together. We look for Jesus return together. We preach together, well, my husband and my boys do the preaching and I hold a scripture sign.
I do my best to make sure that Jesus is welcome in our home. One of the best ways I can do this is by being the kind of wife and mother that scripture instructs me to be. According to Titus 2:3-5, I am to be in behavior as becometh holiness; I am not to be a false accuser; I am not to be given to much wine (grape juice); I am to be a teacher of good things; I am to be sober (seriousness and not a drunkard); I am to love my husband; I am to love my children; I am to be discreet (don't tell all that I know and do); I am to be chaste; I am to be a keeper at home, which means that I must be at home. I can not be at home if I am working on a career. I can not love my children and teach them adequately or properly if I am paying a day care or sitter to raise my them. If I am doing anything other than the above I give opportunity for the word of God to be blasphemed.
My boys absolutely love the Lord Jesus. I pray that daily they will always love Him. Whenever and wherever they can they will begin singing to Him with songs that they make up for Him to show their love for and to Him. I love to hear them sing their praises. One of my youngest son's favorite places to sing his praises is while he is in the bathroom. He will close the door and sing his little heart out. I sometimes will stand by the door just to listen.
This is not all my doing. Daddy has a lot to do with making Jesus welcome in our home too. Daddy tells them Bible stories almost nightly. In fact, my oldest has a hard time sleeping if he hasn't had his Bible story each night, Bible stories help my boys to relax before falling asleep. And it is their special snuggle up next to daddy time. Many nights they all fall asleep sitting together in daddy's old rocking chair. I have some happy boys!! Happy because mama and daddy love each other. Happy because mama and daddy love Jesus. Happy because Jesus is always welcome in our home.
Mama, will you join me and make Jesus welcome in your home too? Oh, how much happier everyone would be and how much better our nation would be because mama gets back to pleasing Jesus herself by obeying the instructions found in His Word.
"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority, Let no man despise thee." Titus 2:11-15
It is well with my soul. Is it well with yours?
It is well with my soul. Is it well with yours?