As I have been doing my Bible reading I came across a portion of scripture that I had not seen before. In preparation of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, in Exodus, is a verse that says as the women were given wisdom in their hearts, they spun. And then immediately the next chapter talks of the men getting wisdom from the Lord to do a work.
Maybe because the Lord is dealing with me about some issues in my life about getting and staying right with him, that it hit me that if women get themselves right with the Lord first then we would have men getting right with the Lord.
In society today, women want to be the first in practically everything...except in the place where they should be (keep in mind that Eve was the first to sin then Adam). Where should the woman be first you ask? Women should be the first to say, I will get right with God. I will stay right with God. I will stay at home and be the wife God intended for me to be. I will have children and be the mother God intended for me to be. I will learn to do the homemaking that is necessary to meet the needs of my family. Every family has specific needs and there is only one who can meet those needs. If you are Mama and/or if you are Wife, then that person is you. That person is me in my home.
I can't help but think of that old commercial of a working woman coming home and frying up some bacon. Not because she was working outside the home because that is contrary to the Bible but because she was cooking. I have had to learn to meet the needs of my family over the years. First, I had to learn the needs of my husband. Then we were blessed with a miracle son then a second son who is our double blessing. And with each one I had to learn their needs and each one has different needs and each year that changes some. Add my elderly mother in the mix and still there are needs I must learn to meet for her. I can't meet any of their needs if I am constantly thinking of "my" needs and how can I get more "me" time. I hear so many women, both young and old saying that they don't get enough "me" time. Young mother's leave their children with others so they can get away for hours upon hours each week. Older wives neglect their husband and home to have their "me" time. With everyone having access to the internet today, one way neglect of family needs takes place is hours spent on the web. And most everyone has a hand held computer in their hand.
There are ingredients to having a good home where each member has their needs met. Being a wife and a mother is a high calling and a wonderful honor that is given by our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. It is one that we should not take for granted and too often we do. Without the proper ingredients in any recipe we will not get the intended result.
When I make bread, if I were to leave out the yeast my bread would not rise. The same is true about love in a home. If there is no love the husband and children do not grow as they ought. If I leave out the sugar it wouldn't have a sweet taste. A home without joy will not be remembered as a place with fun and happy memories. Without the flour there is no base or substance to my bread. Likewise, without Jesus Christ there is no foundation with which one can stand on and truly have the other ingredients for a lifetime. Without the warm water to activate the yeast the rising process cannot begin. We must have a warm and affectionate heart to blend in. Being cold hearted just turns others away. Then there is the oil which is characteristic of the Holy Spirit. We must listen and be willing to even change areas of our life if it is not in tune with what the Holy Spirit says the Father wants in our life. Oh. And there is the egg which seems to hold things together. Jesus bridged the gap from hell to heaven for us. Jesus holds us in his perfect peace.
When I make bread, if I were to leave out the yeast my bread would not rise. The same is true about love in a home. If there is no love the husband and children do not grow as they ought. If I leave out the sugar it wouldn't have a sweet taste. A home without joy will not be remembered as a place with fun and happy memories. Without the flour there is no base or substance to my bread. Likewise, without Jesus Christ there is no foundation with which one can stand on and truly have the other ingredients for a lifetime. Without the warm water to activate the yeast the rising process cannot begin. We must have a warm and affectionate heart to blend in. Being cold hearted just turns others away. Then there is the oil which is characteristic of the Holy Spirit. We must listen and be willing to even change areas of our life if it is not in tune with what the Holy Spirit says the Father wants in our life. Oh. And there is the egg which seems to hold things together. Jesus bridged the gap from hell to heaven for us. Jesus holds us in his perfect peace.
We love our bread in this home but without just one ingredient it would not be bread. There is perfection when the recipe is followed. I for one have to follow the recipe by reading and re-reading it. I have a friend who can read a recipe once and has it memorized. I can not. It takes me reading the recipe over again with each step. Does that make me a bad cook? I don't think so and my family is very solid if I do say so myself. I'd like to think it is because I'm willing to take the time to ensure that I have the recipe correct. The same should be true with the recipe that the Lord Jesus Christ gives us in his Word. We should take the time to read it and re-read it until we get it right. Do I get it right all of the time? No. I do not but do I quit because I don't get it right? No. I get back up. I empty that mixing bowl and start again. Proverbs 24:16, tells us that "the just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again..."
With all that had been said, as I encourage myself, may I also encourage you, dear reader, get back to the kitchen and read the recipe again. Empty the old batter out and start anew with fresh ingredients. Read your recipe slowly and carefully. I would venture to say that when you do the end product will turn out perfect for all to enjoy.
It is well with my soul. Is it well with yours?
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