Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year, New Opportunity

I don't know about you but I love a new year. A new year brings new opportunities. A new opportunity is another opportunity to do something better that I was not as successful on the previous year. I like to be a success but many times I am a failure at the things I do (in my minds' eye).

I so want to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend, a better Pastor's Wife, a better prayer warrior, a better Bible reader, a better daughter, a better sister, etc., etc. How can I become better this year? By being better today than I was yesterday. We are not promised tomorrow but today I can be better than I was yesterday.

I used to be one of those who made a New Year's Resolution but I never succeeded at keeping them. Now, I work on being better today than I was yesterday which will add to better tomorrows. If I have better tomorrows because I have better yesterday's today then I will have a better year.

One day at a time...that is how I will succeed. (Just thinking in black and white.)

It is well with my soul. Is it well with yours?

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It is Well With My Soul.